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Living Materials Center

Living Material Center logo

Seabrook Intermediate School proudly houses Clear Creek Independent School District’s Living Materials Center (LMC). This is a facility that houses all year round over 60 different species of animals, many exotic and sub-exotic. These animals can be checked out by the teachers to enhance their curriculum and enrich the classroom.  We also provide educational programs about animals both here at the LMC and out at the individual schools.

Volunteer Information 

LMC Student School Year Volunteer Program—Seabrook Students ONLY

One of the unique opportunities your child has as a student here at Seabrook Intermediate School, is to aid in the care of the animals in the LMC. Our LMC Volunteer Program is an extracurricular activity where students do everything from cleaning out chinchilla enclosures to feeding bearded dragons to misting tarantula enclosures. Our volunteers have an amazing opportunity to get “hands-on” with many different species of animals.  For questions on student volunteering please contact Ande Smith.

This volunteer program is NOT during class time, nor do the students receive a grade for it.

  • Students who attend school 8:50 am – 4:05 pm will volunteer in LMC 8:00 am – 8:45 am
  • Students who attend school 8:00 am – 3:15 pm will volunteer in LMC 3:20 pm – 4:05 pm

These times are not flexible. Students are responsible for their own transportation, and should be dropped off & picked up at the front of the school.

These times are every day that school is in session. Should there be an Early Release Day, afternoon volunteers will work immediately following the dismissal of the Early Students (12:15 p.m.). In the event that LMC Volunteering must be cancelled, an announcement will be made to let the students know. Every effort, however, is made to avoid cancelling the LMC Volunteers. The LMC is not open on the weekends.

Veteran Seabrook School Year Volunteers

Veteran Volunteers are SIS students who have worked in the LMC before during a previous school year and have been trained in previous years. These volunteers may begin working in the LMC as soon as they have completed and turned in their Consent Forms. Depending on number of students interested in volunteering, Veterans may have the opportunity to volunteer any number of days during the week. Be sure to mark on the Consent Form each day your student wants to work. Veterans must turn in a consent form and attend the in school orientation every year.

Rookie Seabrook School Year Volunteers

Rookie Volunteers are those who have never worked in the LMC during a school year (summer volunteering does NOT make a student a Veteran) or ALL 6th graders (even if they volunteered in LMC during the summer). These volunteers must complete & turn in the Consent Form AND attend an Orientation Class that will be held early each semester. Announcements will be made as to the dates & times of the Orientation Classes.  Rookie Volunteers may work only ONE day per week for their first semester. After working for one full semester, rookies “graduate” to veteran status and may choose to work more often, if space allows. All Rookies MUST turn in a completed consent form AND attend the in school orientation before volunteering.   

The Living Materials Center also offers Summer and Holiday Volunteering opportunities to students within the CCISD District. For questions on CCISD student volunteering, please contact Ande Smith.

CCISD District Summer Volunteers

Animals need daily care, and when students are on holiday the animals still need to be fed and habitats cleaned to ensure happy, healthy animals.  CCISD students that are 10 years or older may volunteer during the summer months and CCISD long holidays (Thanksgiving, Winter Holiday and Spring Break) in addition student holidays (teacher in-service days).  In order to volunteer, the eligible student and parent MUST attend a Mandatory Volunteer Orientation every year (usually held April/May and late October) to submit consent forms and to receive the link to the online signup. 



For more information about the LMC, our programs, the animals we house, and how to check out animals, please email the LMC Manager.

Andrea Smith

Science Manager
Seabrook Intermediate

LMC Teacher Information